.: SpunWithTears :.
Photography by Dale Hudjik
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29FEB04/Leaping Nowhere - Inner Journey II

A Day In The Life Of project.

Before my family wakes up I am out the door to capture the spirit of a leap day. My plan was to drive a reasonable distance to a historical site and document what I saw on the way there and back. The historical site was the "Frog Lake Massacre" that happened in 1885 in Northern Canada. But before leaving, I thought I would stop at a nearby park to catch the sunrise.

Foggy Day

This leap day is a very foggy day. Visibility is almost zero at times. I thought this would be a good metaphor for a leap day: a day added from out of nowhere. I decide to stop and take my photographs of the leap day here. Because it is foggy I will primarily use my Lomo with black and white film. Frog Lake will have to wait for another project. Here are my images:

Going nowhere.

Foggy Day

Two trees glow with energy.

Foggy Day

Wisps of fog drift through a burnt forest

Foggy Day

Foggy Day

Sleeping winter trees make jazz-like patterns in the light of the muted sun.

Foggy Day

Fog briefly reveals the shoreline of a lake.

Foggy Day

The wardens office.

Foggy Day

Where is the car?

Foggy Day

Weeds push out from the snow in a rhythmic dance.

Foggy Day

A bench looking nowhere.

Foggy Day

No photograph could capture this scene. I am looking out over a lake that is completely hidden in fog. Absolutely no detail could be seen. I stop walking, unsure of where I am going. Everything is a field of brilliant glowing white emptiness. Finally I walk back and take a picture of a park bench so you would have partial understanding of what I experienced. The whiteout actually gave me a headache, which has finally gone away.

Foggy Day

Another empty bench.

Foggy Day

Every day ends.

Foggy Day

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