.: SpunWithTears :.
Photography by Dale Hudjik
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21FEB04 - Breaking The Ice

Spring is not here, but it feels like spring. At least a little like spring. We're a little over half way through a dark and at times very cold winter. The days are getting longer. I think about five minutes longer each day. The weather has warmed up. The sun feels warm again. Children have been cooped up for months, trapped by vicious cold and equally vicious flues and colds. And now, there is a little time to get out and to learn the wonderful feeling of ice crunching underneath one's feet, to get wet and run and fall hard on the ice and get up smiling. Ah yes, a little bit of joy, and then perhaps we'll go back to winter as usual - at least for a while.

breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice breaking ice

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